Credit where Credit is Due
This site couldn't function the way it does without the data and other help from organizations and individuals across the web. We want to make sure we give credit where possible!
This site was inspired by the excellent site, ShowRSS, which unfortunately (at the time of this writing) is no longer being actively maintained. Think of this site as a love letter to ShowRSS, whom we have donated to and loved for years, but, sadly it seems that it is fading away. Please note: this site has no formal association with ShowRSS and is not run or endorsed by anyone at ShowRSS. We are a completely separate endeavor.
Data Sources
Data on available shows come from a variety of sources, including EZTV and TVMaze. A huge thanks goes out to those organizations!
Site Logo
The site's logo was cobbled together, partially from a graphic created by Fahad Atrafi, found on the web site Vecteezy.